
coaching-level1Sal - Kulturelle Intelligenz, für deine künstlerische Meisterschaft. Deine Kreativität und Produktivität im Fokus, damit du deine künstlerischen Ambitionen zu verwirklichen kannst. Erlebe die klassische kulturelle Kunst und erhebe deine Kunstwerke zu neuen Höhen. Es ist an der Zeit, herausragende Leistungen in der Kunst zu realisieren, um die Zukunft der Kunst gemeinsam zu gestalten.

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Coaching > levels
Art High Performance Academy Master's Course
Reclaim your artistic greatness, purpose and success!

Advanced online training + personal development coaching program =

High Performance ART Master’s Coaching Program !

If you’re ready to master your art so that you can reach the next level of your potentials, purpose, success and influence in the artistic world, then this is the course for you.
Your achievement even with small resources
Your enthusiasm will be rewarded even with a small budget. Life can be demanding, but our dedication is to make artistic education accessible. This solution combines all essentials to make your talent flourish.
Plan Features:
  • Initial analysis of your art and progress so far, so we integrate and build on your strength and progress so far.
  • Analysis your learning structure, to set clear overview.
  • Materials Shopping List according to your Curriculum

  • Individualised Curriculum for your personalized experience.
  • Career advising
  • Personalized goal setting and assignments.
  • Every two weeks art analysis and progress session, to provide working solutions for you.
  • Monthly feedback and suggestions on your Curriculum development for course optimization.

  • Access to Coaching Fellowship
  • Every two weeks Assignment Review
  • Monthly Video Critique of Progress
  • latterly VIDEO Portfolio Review of Instructor
  • Monthly Chat Meeting with Instructor
  • Book and material suggestion list
  • High-Quality Reference Images
  • Permanent Access to your coaching channels and materials
  • Decide to take advantage of Coaching. Congratulations! As this side opened for you, you are lucky to take advantage of an open spot!
  • Fill in your contact data and demonstrate your devotion.
  • Arrange your free analytic strategy session appointment.
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High Performance ART Master’s Coaching Program is coaching of immersion to create art and cultural legacy on your terms. It is mastering heritage to take control of the most critical aspects of your progress.


How is it that some artists, even in the most difficult times, find a way not only to bring outstanding art and succeed, but to transform culture and find fulfillment in art?

In demanding times like ours how can you as an artist life up to your potentials in a way that creates true success and fulfillment?

Just working harder is not the answer. The secret to accelerating your qualities is to absorb, and personally model the artistic heritage of the masters before us. They have found a way to master not only artistic skills but their inner world as well as the external environment. They are showing us the path to place oneself in an environment with an artistic focus on developing the habits which guarantee achievements.

That environment is High Performance ART Master’s Coaching Program.

Masters spend lifetimes to develop and perfect working systems that you can compressed implement in weeks.

High Performance Art Master’s Coaching Program is your opportunity to quantum jump the most important areas of art by learning from the teachers that can translate and transform the heritage for your use. You are profiting from successes and avoid useless letdowns, that will save you decades of frustration. You can invest this saved time in your very own successful path instead.

High Performance Art Master’s Coaching Program is an exclusive tailor-made to give you control over your artistic future. This experience of personal transformation will take you far beyond anything you’ve imagine being capable of.
You deserve yourself this opportunity to acquire the skills, strategies, insights, and distinctions that formed the masters before you. At your fingertips you have the accumulated lifetime of success of the most distinguished and influential artists in the world.

High Performance Art Master’s Coaching Program has been designed to answer a simple question that will change your art:
What are the most important skills you must master in order to channel your best potentials?

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What if you could go beyond acceptable drawings and paintings and attain total artistic freedom? This program will teach you the skills strategies and tools that the world’s most successful artists use to eliminate the unnecessary frustration to achieve outstanding results.

If you are currently investing at the most basic levels and want to learn the effective way from the beginning, or you are an experienced the power of art already and want to learn the most sophisticated methods available for massive transformation, this program is a must for you.

Your art is unique and no matter how successful you already are, there is much more possible. The value of artistic heritage will help you make your art the masterpiece it deserves to be. Our support will channel your talent and break blockades and fear of the unknown

- all it takes is your commitment and anticipation.

High Performance Art Master’s Coaching Program provides the experience of living at your highest potential. Even if you previously may have appeared to be unattainable levels of creativity, passion and achievement our program will open your mind to higher performance.

You will dare again to have a vision for your art and acquiring proven strategies to turn that vision into reality.

Our purpose is to discover together with you the best in yourself, and learn how to bring out the best in your art.  
Starting with analysis and valuable strategies to measure your goals and progress so far will uncover hidden potentials. The structure you will discover will condition the habits of efficiency and success.

High Performance Art Master’s Coaching Program has purposely designed your possibilities so that you can immerse yourself and benefit from latest progress and from the masters profound knowledge.
BUT the question remains, that only you can answer:

If you know that you have been given the great seed of creativity and art, and the possibility is in your reach to let it grow to a mighty and beautiful art legacy, would you take advantage of it?
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Coaching will gain you clarity and purpose:
  • YOU will get clear and focused on the objectives of your artistic progress that will radically change your art.
  • YOU will become more effective and gasp control over your development:  
  • YOU gain necessary tools and confidence that will break through blockades and limitations.  
  • YOU will achieve your goals.
  • YOU gain more energy, more vitality for and in your art.
  • YOU will commit to real results and start to do the real art you are capable of.
  • YOU will transform and revolutionise your art.
  • YOU gain courage, strength, passion and confidence for your art even in the face of challenges and unexpected change.
  • YOU will enlighten Passion through your art.
  • YOU gain methods and skills you need to reignite wonderment, passion and fulfillment for the viewers of your art.

Ready to take advantage of Coaching? – Get a free 30-minute analytic strategy session to get started! In just one powerful session, you will:

Get absolute clarity on the top goals for your art
Isolate and reframe blockades and limiting beliefs that have held you back
Devise a plan of action to achieve your specific outcomes

Decide to take advantage of Coaching.
Fill in your contact data and demonstrate your devotion.
Arrange your analytic strategy session appointment.

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